BLM Recognizes Training Officers for Outstanding Work and Dedication

18 men and women standing shoulder to shoulder in two rows.

Recently, a number of the BLM’s Field Training Officers (FTO) were recognized for their outstanding performance, commitment and passion.  At a training session in Reno, Nev., the BLM Law Enforcement Director commended these officers for countless hours spent preparing and training new BLM law enforcement rangers. 

BLM FTOs shoulder a heavy burden.  They are responsible for ensuring that new rangers can safely and effectively apply the academic training they received at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in a wide variety of field settings.  FTOs strive to develop highly trained and motivated law enforcement officers who will serve the public and protect public lands with passion and unwavering dedication.  Their work has a long-lasting and positive impact on the BLM law enforcement program and these officers are truly a credit to both Bureau and profession.

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