Painted Rock
The sandstone formation at Painted Rock has long drawn the attention of Carrizo Plain National Monument visitors. About 3,000 - 4,000 years ago, Native Americans began to paint their sacred images with the alcove of the rock. Not surpisingly, the power of this place continues to enthrall, and it still receives many visitors today. Spiritual leaders and other tribal members created the rock paintings as an expression of their cultural and religious beliefs. Please help us protect Painted Rock, a cultural resource of the American Indians of California and a special place for future generations of people to enjoy and benefit. Please do not touch, climb, or walk on any part of the rock to help preserve it. Tread carefully while visiting the site and do not distrub or collect artifacts, remove plants, or distrub the wildlife. Reservations are required to visit Painted Rock, if visiting during self-guided tour season, ensure you get a gate code from prior to visiting the monument..
Get permits for Painted Rock Guided and Self-Guided Tours
Download the Carrizo Plain National Monument Recreation Map and Guide
Geographic Coordinates
35.1541, -119.8656
Once on Carrizo Plain National Monument, continue on Soda Lake Road until you arrive at sign for Goodwin Education Center, turn at sign and contine for 1/2 mile to the education center. Entrance for Painted Rock Road is behind the education center, you must have a reservation from to visit Painted Rock. Gate code is required for self-guided tours and is available from after you make your reservation. No gate code required for guided tours.