West Desert District welcomes new Fillmore Field Manager


Bureau of Land Management

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Fillmore Field Office

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WEST VALLEY CITY, Utah — The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is pleased to announce the selection of Cindy Ledbetter as the new Field Manager for the Fillmore Field Office. Cindy is currently serving in a temporary assignment as Acting Fillmore Field Manager and will hold the position permanently starting on October 24. 

“Cindy is a valuable leader with a strong background in science-based management and National Environmental Policy Act planning, as well as a history of bringing diverse candidates into the organization,” said West Desert District Manager Mike Gates. “I am so grateful that Cindy will permanently join our leadership team in the West Desert District. Cindy will continue to foster meaningful community relationships to promote stewardship of public lands, develop proactive strategies to help handle increased recreation, and use best-available science to implement mission work.” 
As Fillmore Field Manager, Cindy will manage 4.7 million acres of public land in Juab and Millard counties, the largest contiguous BLM administrative area in Utah. The Fillmore Field Office is on the eastern edge of the Basin and Range Geographic Province and is dominated by north-south trending mountain ranges and sedimentary basins. The district is known for its wild horse and burro program, renewable energy opportunities and transmission corridors, cosmic ray research, grazing management, numerous OHV areas, rock hounding, and unique landforms.

“I am eager to continue building great relationships with local leaders and listening to the needs of the communities within the Fillmore Field Office,” said Acting Fillmore Field Manager Cindy Ledbetter. “In this position, I hope to not only be a good steward of public lands, but also to highlight new opportunities on public lands within this field office.”   

Cindy began her federal career in 1998 in the Student Career Experience Program within the Richfield Field Office’s range program. In 2001, Cindy joined the Salt Lake Field Office as a Range Management Specialist. After several years, she transitioned into the field office’s Planning and Environmental Coordinator. Cindy also served as a planner in the Fillmore Field Office before she returned to the Richfield Field Office as the Assistant Field Manager for Renewable Resources. Cindy has spearheaded major projects and outreach programs within the BLM, such as the Nature High Summer Camp, Box Elder County Coordinating Resource Management group, and the Mona to Oquirrh Environmental Impact Statement. 

Cindy grew up in Richfield, Utah and has a deep understanding of the importance of public lands to rural communities in Utah. She graduated from Utah State University with a degree in rangeland management in 2001. Cindy has been married for 18 years, enjoys adventuring with her son, and taking her two dogs on hikes and walks. 

For additional information, please contact the Fillmore Field Office at 435-743-3100. Persons who use a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) may call the Federal Relay Service (FRS) at 1-800-877-8339 to leave a message or question.  The FRS is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Replies are provided during normal business hours.

The BLM manages more than 245 million acres of public land located primarily in 12 western states, including Alaska, on behalf of the American people. The BLM also administers 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. Our mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of America’s public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.