Red Rock Canyon Hosts Artist Residencies



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Las Vegas – The 2016 Red Rock Canyon Artist-in-Residence program starts October 1 and features three artists – each offering community engagement workshops.

The artist-in-residence program promotes awareness through art of the exceptional places within the BLM’s National Landscape Conservation System. The program provides an opportunity for learning and dialogue with the public about the value of preserving public lands. It is open to artists working in two-dimensional fields (including but not limited to painters, photographers, poets and printmakers) who are over 18 years of age and United States residents who meet the application criteria. Thirteen artists applied for this year’s program.

Each artist will be required to create at least one piece of artwork inspired by Red Rock that will be featured in an exhibition from December 2016 through January 2017. Artists will receive a $1,000 stipend from Red Rock Canyon Interpretive Association for developing their work.

Morgan Lipkin uses needle-turn applique, hand-stitching and embroidery, incorporating modern and traditional techniques. Currently based out of Las Vegas, she is known for her original quilts and other functional-art pieces.

Lipkin’s residency dates are October 1 through 15. Her community engagement workshops are October 4 and 11.

On October 4 she will lead a participatory art experience where participants can learn to sketch basic shapes of Red Rock Canyon and then learn to stitch with needle and thread on the transferred sketch.

On October 11 she will lead a hike on the Willow Springs Loop where participants can also learn to sketch basic shapes of the area and then learn to stitch with needle and thread on the transferred sketch.

For both workshops, participants must be willing to work with needle and thread. Materials will be provided; however, participants are encouraged to bring their personal sewing supplies if desired. The workshop is for people ages 7 and older, and registration is required. Please call (702) 515-5367 to reserve a spot.

Norah S. Siller, originally from Sonora, Mexico, comes from a long line of artists who taught her to develop her own style. Growing up with artistic parents gave her the opportunity to play and explore with different art mediums as she grew up. She works with natural materials and enjoys the beauty of her surroundings, which inspires her to continue creating and exploring new techniques and methods.

Siller’s residency dates are October 2 through 15. Her community engagement workshop is October 8.

Siller will lead a participatory painting live experience where participants can create a custom piece of art using a Red Rock Canyon-inspired template. This program is for all ages; youth to adult. Quality art paper and watercolors or colored pencils will be used and provided, but participants are encouraged to bring their personal supplies if desired. Registration is required – please call (702) 515-5367 to reserve a spot.

Orlando Javier Montenegro-Cruz is interested in engaging with the public on themes and issues that a setting such as Red Rock Canyon offers. The subject of land which encompasses a vast underdeveloped area located next to a suburban area offers a unique perspective on human settlement and the effects of society on the environment. Montenegro-Cruz works with acrylic, crayons, panel and canvas. His work is abstract, colorful and expressive.

Montenegro-Cruz’s residency dates are October 23 through November 5. His community engagement program is on October 29.

He will lead a participatory art experience where participants can create an abstract landscape map that symbolizes their experience of walking in Pine Creek Canyon. Participants will be drawing different paths that are superimposed and merged with one another as artists reflect on the hiking experience. Supplies will be provided; however, participants are encouraged to bring their personal supplies if desired. The workshop is for people ages 7 and older, and registration is required. Please call (702) 515-5367 to reserve a spot.

More information on the Red Rock Canyon Artist-in-Residence program is available at

The BLM manages more than 245 million acres of public land located primarily in 12 western states, including Alaska, on behalf of the American people. The BLM also administers 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. Our mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of America’s public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.