Klamath Falls Field Office Selling Online Fuelwood Permits
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Klamath Falls, Ore. – The Bureau of Land Management Klamath Falls Field Office is making fuelwood-cutting permits available, starting April 15, online through the BLM Special Forest Products Online Permit Sales Pilot Program. Online permits are available for purchase 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
The cost is $5 per cord. There is a two-cord minimum purchase for every transaction, and a maximum of eight cords may be bought per household each year. A cord is defined as a stack of split wood four feet wide by four feet high by eight feet in length.
Woodcutters are required to comply with all permit terms and conditions. This includes conformance with Industrial Fire Precaution Level restrictions in effect during periods of elevated wildfire danger. Permits are non-refundable, authorized for use only on BLM-managed lands, and may not be transferred to another party. Each permit must be validated and attached to the load in a visible location before any cut wood is transported.
To purchase a permit online:
- Go to https://forestproducts.blm.gov.
- Click on Oregon, select the Lakeview Field Office, and then select Fuelwood.
- Complete and submit the application.
- Enter your credit/debit card information. Your payment will be processed within minutes, and you may print your permit.
You will also receive an email with all the maps, stipulations, load tags, and documentation you will need to cut and remove products from BLM land safely. All purchased permits are final; no refunds will be granted.
Permits are still available for purchase over the telephone using a credit/debit card by calling the Klamath Falls Field Office at 541-883-6916. Office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Maps identifying BLM firewood cutting areas will be provided at the time of purchase. Some roads to these areas may be inaccessible at this time due to weather conditions. Woodcutters are advised to contact the BLM and obtain current road access information before planning any woodcutting activities.
“Road conditions, firewood cutting area requirements, and chainsaw use restrictions are subject to change,” said Kevin Heatley, Klamath Falls Field Manager. “It’s the woodcutter’s responsibility to obtain, understand and follow the rules in effect at the time and place where they are cutting firewood.”
For more information about personal-use fuelwood permits, please call the BLM at (541) 883-6916.
For more information on the SFP online permit pilot program, go to https://forestproducts.blm.gov.
The BLM manages more than 245 million acres of public land located primarily in 12 western states, including Alaska, on behalf of the American people. The BLM also administers 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. Our mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of America’s public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.