Invasive plant treatments planned for Lakeview District
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Lakeview, Ore. -- The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Lakeview District is planning daytime aerial herbicide spray applications between Oct. 7 and 18 to support Greater Sage-Grouse restoration project areas.
All public entrances to the locations receiving aerial herbicide application will be posted with herbicide and specific closure information prior to spraying. The pre-emergent herbicide Imazapic will be applied. In areas where annual grasses have already germinated, a small amount of glyphosate will be added to assist in control of emerged annual grasses.
Aerial application is weather dependent and may occur anytime during daylight hours between Oct. 7 and 18.
Locations for aerial herbicide application include:
- South Warner (3,000 Acres in Lakeview Field Office) between Big Valley and Big Lake, and along South Warner Rim;
- North Warner (5,000 Acres in Lakeview Field Office) near Honey Creek and the Twin Lakes area;
- Picture Rock (1,000 Acres in Lakeview Field Office) Dead Indian Area;
- Clover Flat (2,085 Acres in Lakeview Field Office);
- Stukel Fire (150 Acres in Klamath Falls Field Office);
- Poker Fire (1,500 Acres on Lakeview Field Office) North End of Hart Mountain within the fire boundary.
Lakeview BLM will also be applying aerial herbicide treatments in the Warner Basin (1,200 acres) using a combination of herbicides including chlorsulfuron and clopyralid for control of Perennial pepperweed, Russian knapweed and Canada thistle.
At the proposed rates, these herbicides should not damage any native perennial species within the project areas and there are no grazing or slaughter restrictions for animals harvested off the project area.
All treatments are designed to keep public lands healthy and productive and to minimize impacts to other resources such as water, wilderness, wildlife and recreation. The BLM supports working landscapes across the West through its many programs and is committed to keeping public landscapes healthy and productive.
For more information, please call the Lakeview Assistant Field Manager, Les Booth, at (541) 947-6141 or via email at
The BLM manages more than 245 million acres of public land located primarily in 12 western states, including Alaska, on behalf of the American people. The BLM also administers 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. Our mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of America’s public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.