Help Prevent Wildfires this Holiday Weekend!



BLM Office:

National Office

Media Contact:

Jennifer Myslivy

Hot and dry temperatures are predicted for the upcoming holiday weekend, and firefighters are asking for the public help to prevent human-caused wildfires. This summer, an abundant amount of fine, flashy fuels (dry grass) have grown tall and thick in many places, which create extreme wildland fire conditions. “We are asking the public to be extremely vigilant when out recreating this holiday weekend and to take all fire safety precautions, says BLM Idaho State Fire Mitigation & Education Specialist Jennifer Myslivy. On May 10, BLM Acting Idaho State Director Timothy M. Murphy issued a Fire Prevention Order making it a misdemeanor to carry, discharge or otherwise use fireworks on BLM-managed lands. Violations of the Order may bring fines and jail time, and violators who start wildfires can also be liable for the costs of damage and suppression. In addition to fireworks, the use of incendiary/tracer ammunition and exploding targets are prohibited. In general, please be proactive and take precautions while shooting by clearing all flammable materials and rocks away from the target area, and make sure to have fire safety equipment on hand (shovel, fire extinguisher and/or water). Sparks from steel core/steel jacketed bullet fragments have been found to cause fires as much as lead core/copper jacketed and solid copper jacketed fragments. During the summer, kongming lanterns, wish lanterns, sky candles, fire balloons and sky lanterns are being used at a variety of celebrations. Although they are not specifically prohibited, they are a fire hazard if they come into contact with dry vegetation. Sparks can be thrown from vehicles and trailers that are not properly maintained, which can cause roadside fires without knowledge of the driver. So before you depart, make sure your vehicles and trailers are properly maintained by ensuring safety chains are not dragging, wheel bearings are well greased and tires are properly inflated to help prevent a blown tire. The devastating effects from an escaped campfire can last for many years; please completely extinguish your campfire before you leave. Currently, no fire restrictions are in effect, but before heading out to camp, it a good idea to visit to find out about possible restrictions in your area.

The BLM manages more than 245 million acres of public land located primarily in 12 western states, including Alaska, on behalf of the American people. The BLM also administers 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. Our mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of America’s public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.