Celebrate National Public Lands Day at Castle Gardens


BLM Wyoming

BLM Office:

Wind River/Bighorn Basin District Office

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The Bureau of Land Management Worland Field Office invites you to show pride for your public lands on September 24 with a work day at the Castle Gardens Recreation Area in celebration of National Public Lands Day.
Volunteers are needed to shovel and rake gravel and mulch for picnic areas, move and stack firewood, improve footpaths using hand tools, pull weeds, collect trash and paint structures. All ages are welcome. Wear closed-toe shoes and bring gloves. All volunteers will receive a National Public Lands Day t-shirt or volunteer ball cap.
Participants from Worland can meet in the BLM Worland Field Office parking lot at 8 a.m. to carpool/caravan to Castle Gardens. Otherwise, meet at Castle Gardens at 9 a.m. The turnoff is approximately 1 mile west of Ten Sleep on U.S. Highway 16. From there a dirt road heads south. Signs lead to the site about 6 miles away.
The goal of National Public Lands Day goal is to connect people to public lands in their community, inspire environmental stewardship and encourage use of public lands for education, recreation, and general health.
“Events like this are valuable and I hope volunteers join us and take this day to enjoy the great outdoors and celebrate the lands that give us so much,” said BLM Outdoor Recreation Planner Adam Babcock.
For more information, contact Babcock at 307-347-5133 or ababcock@blm.gov. For more information about NPLD visit www.publiclandsday.org or www.facebook.com/nationalpubliclandsday. Tweet about your NPLD experience on Twitter with the hashtag #NPLD or @PublicLandsDay.

The BLM manages more than 245 million acres of public land located primarily in 12 western states, including Alaska, on behalf of the American people. The BLM also administers 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. Our mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of America’s public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.