Campbell Creek Science Center Fireside Chat Feb. 19 Focuses on the Work of Zooarchaeologists



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Anchorage – Join Diane Hanson from the Alaska Consortium of Zooarchaeologists and the University of Alaska Anchorage for a Fireside Chat – “From A to Z: Archaeologists, Zooarchaeology, and the Tales Bones Tell.

Zooarchaeology is the study of the animal bones from archaeological sites.  The archaeologists are not trying to learn about the animals, though. They’re trying to find out more about the people who left the bones, shells, and other animal parts behind.

Zooarchaeologists have to be part biologist, part detective, and part anthropologist to bring the information together. Hanson will bring boxes of bones and show what we can learn about people from animals.

The program begins at 7 p.m. on Wednesday February 19 at the BLM Campbell Creek Science Center (5600 Science Center Drive).

The program is free and open to the public. Please call 267-1241 for more information

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