The Bureau of Land Management issues temporary restrictions on the Black Rock Playa


Bureau of Land Management

BLM Office:

Black Rock Field Office

Media Contact:

WINNEMUCCA, Nev. – The Winnemucca District recognizes the importance of the Black Rock Desert Playa to recreationalists and is taking precautionary measures to manage activities and protect natural resources in the area this summer. Publication of the Federal Register notice regarding temporary restrictions on August 18, started the restrictions that will continue through October 31, 2021.

“We encourage public land users to enjoy their stay and remind them to respect the communities they pass through in route to public lands,” said Black Rock Field Office Manager Mark Hall. “We also want to stress that all visitors to the Black Rock Desert playa should be self-sufficient. There are no medical and emergency resources close to the playa and multiple emergencies may result in extended response times.”

Hall added that due to timing restraints, the district would not be issuing any special recreation permits for activities on the playa.

Additional safety tips include:

  • Responsible public recreation includes fire safety. Please understand current fire restrictions and risk levels while recreating on public lands. Fire information can be found at
  • Campfires must be constructed in a fire pan.
  • Storage of over 20 gallons of fuel must include secondary containment capable of holding and preventing leaks and spills.
  • All vehicles and trailers must comply with state regulations.
  • Camping use is limited to the flat and un-vegetated playa surface.

Prohibited acts include:

  • Commercial activities
  • Building of structures
  • Ignition of fires other than a campfire
  • Burning of construction materials, pallets or wood with screws or nails
  • Burning of structures
  • Possessing, discharging, using, or allowing the use of fireworks or pyrotechnic or incendiary devices
  • Possessing, shooting, or causing to burn; explosive materials, to include binary explosive targets
  • The discharge and dumping of grey water or black water onto the playa/ground surface
  • Depositing human waste (liquid and/or solids) on the playa/ground surface
  • Dumping or discharge of vehicle oil, petroleum products or other hazardous household, commercial or industrial refuse or waste onto the playa/ground surface
  • Unauthorized dumping or discharge of fresh water onto the playa surface in a manner that creates a hazard or nuisance
  • Aircraft landing, taking off, touch-and-go landings
  • Possession of an open container of an alcoholic beverage by the driver or operator of any motorized vehicle, whether or not the vehicle is in motion.
  • Possession and or use of lasers
  • Discharging of flame effects

For additional information, call the Black Rock Field Office at 775-623-1500. The full list of restrictions can also be found here

The BLM manages more than 245 million acres of public land located primarily in 12 western states, including Alaska, on behalf of the American people. The BLM also administers 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. Our mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of America’s public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.