Bureau of Land Management to Hold Forum for Potential Legacy Well Remediation Vendors



Media Contact:

Lesli Ellis-Wouters

Anchorage — The Bureau of Land Management National Operations Center Acquisitions Office is hosting an Industry Day and one-on-one meetings for vendors interested in the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska (NPR-A) Legacy Well Remediation Program Jan 7-8, 2015.

The primary purpose is to exchange information with industry regarding remediation of Legacy Wells and to assess the industry’s capabilities.  Proposals or offers are not requested at this time, but the BLM will be issuing solicitations to procure needed remediation services to advance the 2013 Legacy Well Strategic Plan.

Industry Day begins at 1 p.m. Jan. 7 in the GSA Conference Room in the Federal Building Annex at 222 W. 8th Ave., Anchorage, Alaska.  Vendors planning to attend should bring photo identification and allow enough time for the security checkpoint.

BLM personnel will present an overview of the Legacy Well Strategic Plan and discuss the anticipated strategy for soliciting, awarding and administering contracts.  The presentations will be followed by one-on-one meetings with vendors for the remainder of Wednesday and all day Thursday.

For additional information about this event and to reserve time for a one-on-one meeting, please visit either www.FBO.gov or www.FedConnect.net and enter the following search terms:

L15PS00024 - Industry Day for the NPR-A Legacy Well Remediation - NAICS 562910 Remediation Services

L15PS00025 - Industry Day for the NPR-A Legacy Well Remediation - NAICS 541620 Environmental Consulting

One-on-one meetings must be scheduled by Jan. 4, 2015.  To learn more about the NPR-A legacy wells program and the 2013 Legacy Well Strategic Plan, visit http://www.blm.gov/ak

The BLM manages more than 245 million acres of public land located primarily in 12 western states, including Alaska, on behalf of the American people. The BLM also administers 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. Our mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of America’s public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.