BLM Wyoming December oil and gas lease sale garners $4,000



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CHEYENNE, Wyo. — In support of the Bureau of Land Management’s mission to support sustainable and productive public lands, BLM Wyoming raised nearly $4,000 this week through its quarterly online oil and gas lease sale.

The BLM offered three parcels in the sale and received bids on all three. The highest bid per parcel received was $1,280 for one parcel. The combined bids for the three parcels brought in $3,975, about half of which will go to the State of Wyoming.

BLM Wyoming originally analyzed 702 parcels nominated for the sale.  Through the review process and in consultation with the State of Wyoming, we deferred or deleted 121 whole parcels and parts of other parcels due to resource conflicts. We also delayed the sale of 578 parcels in Greater Sage-grouse habitat to allow more time for public review and extended the comment period on the sage-grouse parcels through Oct. 9, 2018, to allow for a 30-day public review period. After finalizing our review, the BLM plans to offer these parcels at a supplementary sale in February.

Before drilling can occur, the BLM must analyze site-specific conditions and issue a permit for production and associated infrastructure. If production occurs on the leases, the federal government will also share royalties from production with the state.

The BLM’s oil and gas leases sales support American energy independence and the Administration’s America First energy plan, an all-of-the-above approach that supports development of oil and gas, coal, strategic minerals and renewable sources on public lands. For more information on this and other BLM Wyoming lease sales, please visit The BLM will post a detailed summary of this sale’s results on the web within the coming week.

The BLM manages more than 245 million acres of public land located primarily in 12 western states, including Alaska, on behalf of the American people. The BLM also administers 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. Our mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of America’s public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.