BLM Seeks Public Input on Perry Pit Amendment


Nevada State Office

BLM Office:

Elko District Office

Media Contact:

ELKO, Nev. – The Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Tuscarora Field Office is initiating an environmental assessment and seeking public input until November 10, 2016 for the Perry Project Amendment to the Carlin Pete Operations Area (CPOA) Plan of Operations. Input received will be used to guide analysis in the environmental assessment. 

The proposed Perry Project will be an amendment to the existing Plan of Operations and will involve the construction of a new open pit at the CPOA. This proposal would encompass 194 acres, 166 of which would be new disturbance. Of the new disturbance, 117 acres is public land. Most of the oxide ore will be processed at the existing North Area Leach Facility. No new waste rock dumps will be constructed as waste rock from the pit will be placed on or adjacent to existing waste rock facilities. Any Potentially Acid Generating material (PAG), if encountered, would be placed on an existing PAG Waste Rock Disposal Facility. Associated construction will include in-pit haul roads and construction of the Perry Pit Diversion Channel. This channel will connect with the current diversion channel around the Pete Pit to continue diverting meteoric surface runoff to the southeast around the project. All work will be above the water table with no dewatering necessary. The proposed project is scheduled to begin construction of the diversion channel in 2018 with mining to start in 2019 and last for about 3 years. 

Maps and additional information can be found on the BLM website at

Written comments should be submitted by close of business on November 10, 2016 and should be sent to: Perry Project Coordinator, Bureau of Land Management, 3900 Idaho Street, Elko, NV 89801-4611 or send via email to Comments will be used to guide the preparation of an Environmental Assessment, which will analyze the proposed action for potential impacts and address issues and concerns. Questions concerning this project should be addressed to Sarah Schmidt at the above address or by phone at (775) 753-0202 or by email at

The BLM manages more than 245 million acres of public land located primarily in 12 western states, including Alaska, on behalf of the American people. The BLM also administers 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. Our mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of America’s public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.