BLM seeks public comment on multisport recreation project in Wasatch County


Bureau of Land Management

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West Desert District Office

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SALT LAKE CITY — The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) seeks public comment on the Mayflower All-Season Trails and Lift Environmental Assessment to connect four isolated BLM parcels in Wasatch County that are currently inaccessible to the public. The project proposed by Extell Development Company would make these areas available for skiing, hiking and biking and supports the Biden-Harris administration’s priorities to improve recreation access and create jobs.

“Our rapidly growing communities put greater demand on existing recreation infrastructure,” said BLM West Desert District Manager Michael Gates. “We strive to meet this demand and seek new opportunities to increase recreation access near urban areas, especially in our hard-to-reach parcels of land. We encourage the public to get involved in the National Environmental Policy Act process and provide comments that may help our analysis of this project.”

The proposed project includes the construction of a ski lift, approximately 14 ski trails and approximately 11 hiking and biking trails on more than 120 acres of BLM-managed public land. The project is part of the planned 6,000-acre Mayflower Mountain Resort located on BLM, private and State of Utah lands near Heber City and Midway, Utah.

Recreation in and around communities strengthens local economies. In fiscal year 2020, recreation on BLM-managed public lands contributed $9.5 billion in economic output. As the BLM works to enhance recreation opportunities for Americans, we strive to remain a good neighbor. This means respecting how communities use the public lands, as well as including their voices in our management decisions.

Publication of the environmental assessment on the BLM’s ePlanning website will initiate a 30-day public comment period, ending on July 25, 2022. Written comments may be submitted on the ePlanning project page at:

Substantive and useful comments include the following:

  • New information about the proposed project or suggestion of an alternative
  • Identify a different way to meet the project need(s)
  • Suggest alternate methodologies for the analysis and the reason(s) why these methods should be used
  • Make factual corrections or identify sources of credible research or data

Before including an address, phone number, email address, or other personally identifiable information in any comments, be aware that the entire comment—including personal identifying information—may be made publicly available at any time. Requests to withhold personal identifying information from public review can be submitted, but the BLM cannot guarantee that it will be able to do so.

The BLM manages more than 245 million acres of public land located primarily in 12 western states, including Alaska, on behalf of the American people. The BLM also administers 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. Our mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of America’s public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.