BLM Gunnison, Tres Rios, and Uncompahgre Field Offices implement Stage 1 Fire Restrictions


Southwest Colorado Fire and Aviation Management Unit

Media Contact:

Deana Harms, Fire Mitigation, Education, Prevention Specialist

MONTROSE, Colo. – Increased hot, dry weather conditions have elevated the potential for wildfires in southwest Colorado, prompting three Bureau of Land Management (BLM) field offices under the Southwest Colorado Fire and Aviation Management Unit (SWCFAMU) to implement Stage 1 Fire Restrictions. BLM-administered lands in the Gunnison, Tres Rios, and Uncompahgre field offices will go into Stage 1 Fire Restrictions effective at 12:01 a.m. on Thursday, August 20.

“Rising temperatures and a lack of adequate precipitation have pushed fuel conditions to a point where a fire start could pose containment challenges for available fire resources,” observed SWCFAMU Fire Management Officer Brandon Lewis. “Fire restrictions help prevent human-caused wildfires by limiting activities that could cause a new start.”

Under Stage 1 Fire Restrictions:

  • Campfires are only allowed within designated fire grates in developed campgrounds (i.e. a metal, in-ground containment structure – fire pans and rock campfire rings are not acceptable).
  • No fires of any type including charcoal outside of developed areas.
  • No smoking except within an enclosed vehicle of building, a developed recreation site or in a barren area free of vegetation.
  • No use of explosive materials, including explosive targets.
  • No welding or operation of an acetylene or other similar torch with open flame except from an area that has been cleared of vegetation.
  • No operation of any internal combustion engine without a spark arresting device properly installed and in working order.

These fire restrictions are in addition to the year-round wildfire prevention restrictions on BLM-administered public lands in Colorado that prohibit:

  • Leaving a fire unattended or unextinguished.
  • Possession, discharge or use of any fireworks.
  • Discharge of a firearm using incendiary or tracer ammunition.
  • Burning, igniting or causing to burn any tire, wire, magnesium, or other hazardous or explosive material.
  • Operating an off-road vehicle on public lands unless equipped with a properly installed spark arrester pursuant to 43 CFR 8343.1(c).

Stage 1 Fire Restrictions on these lands will remain in place until further notice. Violation of federal fire restrictions is punishable by a fine of not more than $100,000 or imprisonment for not more than 12 months or both. Those found responsible for starting wildfires will also face restitution costs of suppressing the fire.



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