BLM Employees Honored by Public Lands Foundation in 2015


BLM Washington Office

Media Contact:

Adrienne DiCerbo
Kristen Lenhardt

Two Bureau of Land Management (BLM) employees from Lander, Wyo., were presented with the Outstanding Public Lands Professional Award today for their achievements and dedication to managing America's public lands.Richard Vander Voet and Sue Oberlie were recognized by the Public Lands Foundation and the BLM for their work on the nationally significant Lander Office Resource Management Plan (RMP). The RMP contains two important "firsts": the BLM's first plan to address management of important Greater Sage-Grouse habitat, and the BLM's first Master Leasing Plan (MLP). The RMP also protects the setting of five congressionally designated scenic and historic trails.Larry Claypool, acting Associate Wyoming State Director and Ed Shepard, President of the PLF, presented Vander Voet and Oberlie with the Public Lands Foundation awards at a ceremony at BLM headquarters in Washington, D.C. The ceremony opened with remarks by Shepard and BLM Deputy Director Steve Ellis."Rick and Sue demonstrated exemplary service and expertise in their pursuit of the BLM's multiple-use and sustained yield mission," Ellis said. "I appreciate that the Public Lands Foundation Awards provide the opportunity to honor these two outstanding public servants."Vander Voet received the Outstanding Public Lands Professional Award for Managers for his leadership on the nationally significant Lander Office RMP. Vander Voet worked in Lander from 2011-2014 to devise strategy, to establish working relationships, and to ensure that the contents and implications of the RMP were well understood. His hard work and leadership came to fruition in June 2014 when the Lander Field Office successfully issued the Record of Decision for the RMP.Oberlie, the lead wildlife biologist in the Lander Field Office since 1995, received the Outstanding Public Lands Professional Award for Technicians for her knowledge of the resources, history, and policy of the Lander Field Office; her expert technical and analytical writing skills; and her ability to work with agency cooperators. Oberlie was instrumental in the development of the RMP as well as the Beaver Rim Master Leasing Plan (MLP). The Beaver Rim MLP is the first in the BLM and an important part of oil and gas leasing reform.The Public Lands Foundation is a national nonprofit conservation organization whose members are primarily retired and active BLM employees. The organization advocates and works to retain public lands in public hands, professionally and sustainably managed for responsible common use and enjoyment. The PLF endorses and embraces the multiple-use and sustainable yield mission of the BLM. Each year since 1989, the PLF gives two Outstanding Public Lands Professional Awards to BLM employees who have excelled in Managerial/Administrative and Technical/Operational positions.

The BLM manages more than 245 million acres of public land located primarily in 12 western states, including Alaska, on behalf of the American people. The BLM also administers 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. Our mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of America’s public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.