BLM Elko District to burn tumbleweeds along fence lines


Bureau of Land Management

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ELKO, Nev. – Weather conditions permitting, the Bureau of Land Management Elko District is planning a multi-day prescribed burn to mitigate the risk of hazardous fuels by reducing unsafe accumulations of tumbleweeds along fence lines from April 12 through April 22, 2022, approximately 26 miles North of Battle Mountain, NV.

“The burn is planned in an area on public land along fence lines where tumbleweed accumulations are creating hazardous fuel conditions, it will also provide firefighters a higher probability of containing future wildfires,” said Elko District Fuels Manager Tyson Gripp. 

The burn area is approximately 50 acres, with the option to treat additional acres depending on the amount of tumbleweed buildup. Tumbleweed accumulations can create hazardous fire conditions because large amounts of fast-burning fuels can be blown across firelines, spreading fire and creating dangers for nearby property owners and firefighters.  The removal of tumbleweeds will also decrease the hazard that is posed for wildlife movement across the fence lines.

The planned fire will only take place when weather conditions are in accordance with the prescribed fire plan. The area will not be closed to public access during the planned fire, and roads will remain open. 

Experience in this fuel type and area has proven to produce minimal smoke impacts and would consist for only short durations.

For more information, contact Fuels Manager Tyson Gripp, at 775-753-0362

The BLM manages more than 245 million acres of public land located primarily in 12 western states, including Alaska, on behalf of the American people. The BLM also administers 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. Our mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of America’s public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.