BLM announces opportunity to participate with Black Butte Coal Company on coal exploration license



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Rock Springs Field Office

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CHEYENNE., Wyo. – The Black Butte Coal Company has submitted a coal exploration license to obtain coal structural and quality information on approximately 22,232 acres of public land near the Black Butte Coal Mine south of Point of Rocks, Wyoming.

The BLM is required to publish an invitation for interested parties to participate in coal exploration licenses. Any party electing to participate would share both costs and information with the applicant. Coal exploration licenses allow private parties to explore federal coal deposits to obtain geological, environmental and other important data concerning possible coal deposits. A copy of any findings obtained through an exploration license is shared with the BLM.

Any party wishing to participate in this coal exploration license must send written notice to both the BLM and Black Butte Coal Company by Aug. 20, 2018. Requests to participate must be sent to the following addresses.

BLM Wyoming State Office
Branch of Solid Minerals
Attn: Branch Chief, Solid Minerals
P.O. Box 1828
Cheyenne, WY 82003

Black Butte Coal Company
c/o Lighthouse Resources Inc.
Attn: Jason Russell
10980 South Jordan Gateway
Salt Lake City, UT 84095

Copies of the exploration plan (WYW186226) will be available for review during normal business hours at the following offices.

BLM Wyoming State Office
5353 Yellowstone Road
Cheyenne, Wyoming 82009

BLM Rock Springs Field Office
280 Highway 191 North
Rock Springs, Wyoming 82901.

Additional information about exploration licenses in Wyoming can be found online at

At this time, no coal is being developed or proposed for development in the exploration area. The primary purpose of this notice is to provide other parties the opportunity to share costs and information related to an exploration license. Before issuing an exploration license, the BLM must complete an appropriate environmental document analyzing the exploration plan submitted by the proponent. The public will be notified of opportunities to engage in that review at the appropriate time. An exploration license is for a term of two years.

For more information, please contact Tim Wilson, BLM Solid Minerals Branch Chief, at 307-775-6179.

The BLM manages more than 245 million acres of public land located primarily in 12 western states, including Alaska, on behalf of the American people. The BLM also administers 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. Our mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of America’s public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.