BLM Alaska Seeks White Mountains Artist in Residence



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FAIRBANKS — The Bureau of Land Management is seeking an artist for its week-long Artist-in-Residence program in the White Mountains National Recreation Area this winter.

The Artist in Residence program is open to emerging or established artists working in nearly any media – including painting, printmaking, photography, writing, and music. The BLM provides transportation between Fairbanks and a rustic cabin on the White Mountains trail system. Artists are expected to donate the use of a piece of artwork inspired by their time in the White Mountains to help promote public lands.

This is the second year of BLM’s Artist-in-Residence program. Last year’s winter Artist in Residence, Sarah DeGennaro of Fairbanks, has displayed art from her White Mountains visit at several exhibits in Anchorage. Her White Mountains art will also be featured at a Jan. 2 First Friday event at the Morris Thompson Cultural and Visitors Center in Fairbanks.

“My time in the White Mountains National Recreation area was incredible,” DeGennaro said. “I was able to draw so much inspiration from this beautiful landscape.”

Located just an hour outside of Fairbanks, the White Mountains National Recreation Area offers more than 240 miles of maintained winter trails and 12 public recreation cabins surrounded by jagged limestone mountains and cliffs, high mountain passes, and broad, rounded valleys.

The BLM plans on offering several residencies annually in different seasons and locations, including one in the Eagle or Fortymile region next summer. As the new program grows, other public lands will be considered as well.

More information and applications can be obtained from Craig Tanner at or 907-474-2321. The application period runs through February 6.

The BLM manages more than 245 million acres of public land located primarily in 12 western states, including Alaska, on behalf of the American people. The BLM also administers 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. Our mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of America’s public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.