Agencies seek public input on plan to manage Franklin and Wasson Wild and Scenic Rivers


Bureau of Land Management & US Forest Service

BLM Office:

Coos Bay District Office

Media Contact:

Megan Harper, BLM
Alexa Valladolid, USFS

Joint News Release
BLM Coos Bay District
USFS – Siuslaw National Forest

Corvallis, OR – Officials of the Siuslaw National Forest and the Bureau of Land Management’s Coos Bay District are releasing their draft comprehensive river management plan (CRMP) and supporting draft environmental assessment (EA) for Franklin and Wasson Wild and Scenic Rivers. The draft CRMP, informed by environmental analysis, provides guidelines for the administrative and public use of the rivers. The public is invited to provide input on both draft documents.

"We would like to encourage the public to submit feedback about the draft documents as we prepare for the final plan,” said Siuslaw National Forest’s Central Coast District Ranger Michele Holman. “Earlier feedback given during the scoping period guided the draft comprehensive river management plan which is now available to view.”

The draft CRMP and EA can be found on the project website at (click on the “Analysis” tab to find the documents). The 30-day designated comment period for the draft plan will begin today, with the posting of a legal notice in the Corvallis Gazette Times.

"The draft plan outlines management actions for the wild and scenic rivers and how the agencies propose to protect these special places. We look forward to hearing the public's feedback on the draft plan," said Bureau of Land Management’s Coos Bay District Manager Steve Lydick.

Wild and scenic rivers have special federal regulations that require land managers to protect free-flowing conditions, water quality, and outstandingly remarkable values. Under the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, federal agencies are required to prepare comprehensive river management plans to meet legal and regulatory management expectations, including setting standards, guidelines, visitor capacity determinations, and monitoring protocols. The Siuslaw National Forest and the Bureau of Land Management are cooperatively developing the CRMP and EA for Wasson Creek and Franklin Creek, which were designated as wild and scenic rivers by Congress in March 2019.

For additional project information, including an interactive map, visit

The BLM manages more than 245 million acres of public land located primarily in 12 western states, including Alaska, on behalf of the American people. The BLM also administers 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. Our mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of America’s public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.