Tool 4 - Suggested Communication Deliverables for Coproduced Projects

Researchers and resource managers commit to working together as a team to create actionable science products as part of coproduction. Regular communication within the team about project progress, interim results, and potential applications of project findings is key to successful coproduction. This communication need extends beyond the project team to include agency leaders, colleagues, collaborators, and other interested parties.
In this tool, we suggest a suite of communication-focused deliverables for coproduced projects that can foster shared understanding and awareness within and beyond the project team. These deliverables can also assist agency staff with sharing and promoting the use of project products in public lands decision making. Typically, the research lead or work team drafts and maintains these documents in an accessible location for the entire project team to view, provide input on, and download for sharing.
A Toolkit for Coproducing Actionable Science to Support Public Land Management
Tool 1: Coproduction in the Public Lands Context
Tool 2: What Level of Coproduction Makes Sense for My Project?
Tool 3: Suggested Coproduction Steps and Practices
Tool 4: Suggested Communication Deliverables for Coproduced Projects
Tool 5: A Problem-Solving Checklist for Coproduction