Red Rock Canyon NCA Junior Explorer Discovery Book

Thumbnail of Junior Explorer workbook showing cartoon of smiling person waving wearing a hat and backpack surrounded by red rocks and desert plants and animals

This discovery book will introduce you to plants, animals and history of Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area near Las Vegas, Nevada. Red Rock Canyon is one of many public land locations you can enjoy. The desert is an area that gets less than 10 inches of rain per year. It can be very hot and sometimes quite cold (below freezing). Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area is within the Mojave Desert, which gets most of its rain during winter storms and occasional scattered summer thunderstorms. Other places in the Mojave Desert can reach temperatures up to 130 degrees F (about 55 degrees C). That’s hot enough to fry an egg on the sidewalk! Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area is also part of the BLM’s National Landscape Conservation System. The activity book includes information on wildlife, sandstone, plant adaptations and desert life and Mojave Max, the desert tortoise that lives at Red Rock Canyon. He is a “spokes-tortoise” for Red Rock Canyon and the Mojave Desert, helping to educate people about desert tortoises and the importance of keeping our public lands clean and protected.

Publication Date


Southern Nevada DO


Collection: Public Room
Category: Educational Material


Nature Learning Activity
Educational Materials
Junior Ranger
Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area