Searches for Raptor Monitoring Sites During Autumn Migration in Southwestern and Southcentral Idaho in 1996


Raptor migration counts from monitoring sites can sample a wide variety of species in large numbers over a relatively short period of time and are a useful and economical method for detecting long-term trends in species across regions, particularly for species that otherwise cannot be easily surveyed (Titus and Fuller 1990, Bednarz et al. 1990). Raptor migration monitoring counts are conducted at locations throughout the continental United States (Robbins 1975, Heintzelman 1986, Kerlinger 1989). Most monitoring sites are located along coastlines or mountain ridges where migrating raptors tend to concentrate (Allen and Peterson 1936, Kerlinger and Gauthreaux 1985, Kerlinger 1989). The majority of these locations are located in the eastern half of the country, predominantly in the Great Lakes region, Gulf Coast, Atlantic Coast, and Appalachian Mountains. In the Intermountain West there are only a handful of raptor migration monitoring sites. Specifically, in Idaho and Nevada there are only two monitoring sites, one in each state. During autumn 1996 we conducted searches for raptor migration monitoring sites in southwestern and south central Idaho. Several sites were identified, accessed, and sampled to assess their utility for monitoring raptors during autumn migration.

Publication Date




Collection: BLM Library
Category: Report

