Moose Population Parameters and Distribution in the Squirrel River. November 1992

Moose Population Parameters and Distribution in the Squirrel River. November 1992 cover

BLM-Kobuk District and ADF&G initiated a cooperative effort to conduct a moose census in the Squirrel River in November 1992 to obtain baseline moose population data which would allow the agencies to address concerns related to declining bull: cow ratios and increased sport hunting. Objectives were to: 1) estimate population size, 2) estimate age and sex composition, and 3) determine the relative distribution and density of moose in the Squirrel River census area. Estimates of moose population parameters will contribute to the overall knowledge of moose population dynamics in GMU 23, and provide essential data for managing moose for subsistence and sport harvest.

Publication Date




Collection: BLM Library
Category: Report

