BLM attends New Mexico Outdoor Hunting and Fishing Expo

Seymour with an off-highway vehicle.
Seymour with an off-highway vehicle.

Over Valentine’s weekend, BLM New Mexico State Office and Rio Puerco Field Office hosted a booth at the annual New Mexico Outdoor Hunting and Fishing Expo along with several federal and state agencies. The event saw over 6,000 visitors in three days.

BLM mascot Seymour Antelope even visited the event and showed some love getting to know the visitors. Seymour was quite a popular attraction while he walked around the event. Dozens of families stopped to ask for photos, high fives, and even some hugs. Adults and children alike could even pose as Seymour in BLM New Mexico’s popular pop-up cut-outs.

The New Mexico Public Lands Recreation Guide was a popular handout as many visitors love exploring their public lands. BLM staff shared information and answered questions about various BLM lands.

Social Media engagement also went on throughout the event using the special hashtag #loveyourpubliclands. The BLM cannot wait to participate again next year!

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