Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative 10 Year Report


Dear Members, Cooperators, and Friends,

2017 marked the 10-year anniversary of the Wyoming Landscape
Conservation Initiative, providing an opportunity to reflect upon, and appreciate,
our collective accomplishments over a tremendously successful first decade!
Over the past 10 years, WLCI has funded more than 100 multi-faceted projects
with direct support of nearly $12,500,000 from the BLM’s Healthy Lands
Program ($9,590,764) and the BLM Wyoming State Office ($2,881,045). When
partner-based leveraged funds are included, these projects have resulted in
over $64,000,000 of partner-based, collaborative, on-the-ground conservation
in southwest Wyoming. That is - for every dollar we received from the BLM -
our partners, the trust fund, and other sources put an additional $5.7 toward
conservation projects.

The accomplishments that have accrued since WLCI’s 2007 inception are truly
remarkable, and something for which all WLCI partners and participants can be
proud. I invite you to peruse our ten-year report to learn about WLCI, why we
were formed, what our focal habitats are, who our partners are and where we
work. Currently, we are striving to improve habitats through seven themes:


  • Maintaining and Reconnecting Wildlife Corridors and Passages in Southwest Wyoming
  • Improving Resilience and Function of Priority Habitats
  • Maintaining, Enhancing and Restoring Sagebrush Communities
  • Improving Aquatic Habitat and Improving the Distribution of Native Fish Assemblages
  • Controlling Invasive Plant Species and Restoring Ecosystem Integrity and Landscape Connectivity
  • Re-establishing Native Riparian Plant Communities
  • Developing and Enhancing Wetlands

We are planning to continue to improve habitats throughout southwest Wyoming
with further program development contributed by a grant steward and innovative
partnership to cultivate and distribute project funds over the next ten years.

After learning all about the great things our partnerships have accomplished I
encourage you to become involved with WLCI.

I look forward to your participation,

Tyler Abbott
Chair, WLCI Executive Committee

Publication Date


High Desert DO


Collection: Public Room
Category: Brochure

