Proposed Talkeetna Airport Lease



BLM Office:

Glennallen Field Office

Media Contact:

GLENNALLEN - The Bureau of Land Management, Glennallen Field Office is seeking comments on a request by the Talkeetna Airmen’s Association, Inc. (TAAI) to obtain a 20-year lease, with option for renewal, of the Talkeetna Village Airstrip in Talkeetna, Alaska. 

The proposed lease will permit the TAAI to perform general maintenance on the airstrip allowing it to remain open to the public. General maintenance includes functions such as runway surface inspections, debris and oversize rock removal, brush and vegetation cutting, signage, and maintenance. The TAAI will also publish and update information in the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Alaska Supplement, including safety information to advise users on operating procedures and possible hazards. 

The BLM is seeking input on the non-federal use of public lands ensuring it is consistent with the land use plans established for the area and to ensure proposed uses will not cause unacceptable damage to public lands. 

For more information, contact the BLM Glennallen Field Office at (907) 822-3217. 

Your comments and concerns will be considered in the development of an Environmental Assessment (EA) for this proposal. Please submit your comments on the Proposed Action and other issues to be considered to the Bureau of Land Management, Glennallen Field 
Office by September 13, 2016 at: 

Bureau of Land Management 
Glennallen Field Office 
Attn: Talkeetna Village Airport Lease 
P.O. Box 147 
Glennallen, Alaska 99588 

Electronic comments may be made through the BLM National NEPA register  
The Project Name is Talkeetna Village Airport Lease and the NEPA document number is DOI-BLM-AK-A020-2016-0007-EA.

The BLM manages more than 245 million acres of public land located primarily in 12 western states, including Alaska, on behalf of the American people. The BLM also administers 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. Our mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of America’s public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.