North Slope Science Initiative Science Technical Advisory Panel to Meet in Anchorage



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ANCHORAGE -- The North Slope Science Initiative (NSSI) Science Technical Advisory Panel will meet Sept. 23-24 in Anchorage at the Campbell Creek Science Center, 5600 Science Center Drive. The meetings will begin at 9 a.m. each day, with public comment scheduled for 3-4 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 23.

The NSSI is an intergovernmental effort to increase collaboration on the science needed to make informed decisions related to development and environmental change on Alaska’s North Slope and its adjacent seas. The Science Technical Advisory Panel provides advice and recommendations to NSSI on information priorities.

The meeting agenda will include discussions of the North Slope Scenarios Project; a long-term monitoring strategy for the North Slope; and review of the status of the Emerging Issues Summaries. 

For additional information contact Dennis Lassuy at (907) 271-3212.

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