Keep wildfire safety in mind this 4th of July


BLM Wyoming

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Wyoming State Office

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CHEYENNE, Wyo: The 4th of July holiday is right around the corner, and the BLM, our friend Smokey Bear and our wildland firefighters would like to remind everyone to be safe and responsible when enjoying public lands. When you practice wildfire safety, you help keep Wyoming public lands healthy and productive.

Fireworks and other explosives are prohibited on BLM-administered lands. Wildland fires can also be started by campfires, shooting, motorized equipment, vehicles, trailer chains and a variety of other causes.  Each year, wildland fires cause significant property damage and consume millions of acres of grazing and forage.

“Our firefighters have plenty of work from the naturally occurring wildfires here in Wyoming, as well as supporting our surrounding states. Please be careful out celebrating the holiday,” said BLM Wyoming State Fire Management Officer Paul Hohn.

Visitors should take precautions to avoid starting wildfires, such as having a shovel and water on hand to extinguish campfires, avoiding parking in tall dry grass, and driving OHVs in areas where dry grass can be ignited by hot exhaust.  When camping and using outdoor grills, make sure you clear areas of flammable vegetation. Check trailers to make sure equipment is in working order and chains are not dragging.

Check your local fire restrictions to ensure you know what is and is not allowed in the area of your visit. For more information go to:

Remember – one small spark can start a wildfire!

The BLM actively investigates human caused fires and anyone who intentionally, or through negligence, starts a wildfire can be held accountable for damage and suppression cost. 


The BLM manages more than 245 million acres of public land located primarily in 12 western states, including Alaska, on behalf of the American people. The BLM also administers 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. Our mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of America’s public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.