Fire restrictions expand into central Utah during busy fire season



BLM Office:

Color Country District Office

Media Contact:

Christian Venhuizen

Fire restrictions will expand into central Utah on Monday, July 13, for all public lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management in Piute, Sanpete, Sevier and Wayne counties. Fire restrictions will continue for Washington, Iron, Beaver, Garfield and Kane counties to reduce unwanted human caused wildfires with increasing fire danger.

In 2020, firefighters already battled 33 preventable, human caused fires, as of July 8, across the four counties entering fire restrictions. There were 202 fires dispatched by the Richfield and Color Country interagency fire centers, covering portions of southwest and central Utah.

“We are seeing more human-caused fires than we normally do in July. Preventing fires is a partnership. Firefighters and the public are in this together to protect life, property and our natural resources,” said acting Color Country District Manager Randy Peterson. “With hotter and drier conditions expected for at least the short-term, we want to emphasize wildfire safety, especially on windy days.  When monsoonal weather patterns reach southwest and central Utah, lightning, coupled with human caused wildfires have the potential to cause some serious challenges for everyone.”

“Locally, abandoned campfires and vehicle related roadside fires are currently the leading causes of wildfires on public lands,” said Color Country District Fire Management Officer Josh Tibbetts. “Anything that can create a spark can ignite a wildfire.  This includes target shooting, dragging trailer chains and lack of proper vehicle maintenance.”

The Bureau of Land Management issued a Fire Prevention Order (UT-020-20-03), outlining fire restrictions in southwest and central Utah. Restrictions of specific activities will remain in place until human caused fires and fire danger decreases.

Prohibited activities include:

No campfires or open fires outside of agency improved and maintained campgrounds. Devices fueled by liquid petroleum are allowed.

No discharging of fireworks or other pyrotechnic devices outside of incorporated city limits (city specific restrictions may apply).

No shooting of exploding targets or tracer ammunition.

No cutting, grinding, or welding of metal in areas of dry vegetation. This includes acetylene torches.

No use of equipment without a working and properly maintained spark arrestor (if required).

No smoking near vegetation or outside of a developed recreation site, personal vehicle or building.

For more information on preventing unwanted human caused wildfires, visit and or on Twitter @UtahWildfire.

Take a few minutes to take the SparkChange pledge to prevent human caused wildfires in Utah.

The BLM manages more than 245 million acres of public land located primarily in 12 western states, including Alaska, on behalf of the American people. The BLM also administers 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. Our mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of America’s public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.