BLM Seeks Nominations to Resource Advisory Council


BLM Alaska

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ANCHORAGE, Alaska - The Bureau of Land Management in Alaska announced it is seeking public nominations for open positions on its Resource Advisory Council (RAC). As published in a notice in the Federal Register, the BLM will consider nominations for 30 days. Nominations must be received no later than June 20, 2015.

“As a land-management agency that carries out a multiple-use mission, the BLM seeks out and values diverse input from citizens who care about the stewardship of America’s public lands,” said BLM State Director Bud Cribley. “This input advances our efforts in managing uses of and protecting resources on the public lands.” 

The RAC is composed of citizens with expertise in natural resource issues. They advise the Bureau on the BLM’s stewardship of 72 million acres of public lands in Alaska. The BLM in Alaska is addressing complex issues that include land use plan amendments in Eastern Interior, and new plans in the Bering Sea-Western Interior, and Central Yukon regions. Other agency actions seeking RAC input involve placer mining and the development of a Regional Mitigation Strategy for the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska.

The Alaska RAC is seeking to fill five positions in three categories. The BLM is seeking representation for off-highway vehicle use, commercial recreation, archaeological and historical organizations, dispersed recreation activities, state agency employees responsible for the management of natural resources, or representatives/employees of academic institutions who are involved in natural sciences. However, nominations of people representing other interests listed below may apply and will be considered. 

The BLM Alaska RAC membership categories include the following:

Category One – Representatives of organizations associated with energy and mineral development, the timber industry, transportation or rights-of-way, off-highway vehicle use, and commercial recreation. (One opening)

Category Two – Representatives of nationally or regionally recognized environmental organizations, archaeological and historical organizations, and dispersed recreation activities. (One opening)

Category Three – Representatives of state, county, or local elected office, representatives and employees of a state agency responsible for the management of natural resources, Alaska Native representatives, representatives and employees of academic institutions who are involved in natural sciences, and the public-at-large. (Three openings)

Those who have already submitted a nomination in response to the first call for nominations (published in the Federal Register on February 3, 2015) do not need to resubmit. All nominations from the first and second calls will be considered together during the review process. 

Individuals may nominate themselves or others to serve. Nominees must be residents of Alaska and will be evaluated on the basis of training, education, and knowledge of the state. Nominees should also demonstrate a commitment to consensus building and collaborative decision-making. The nomination application and more information about the RAC may be found on the BLM web site at

Nomination packages may be submitted in person to the BLM Alaska State, the Fairbanks District or Anchorage District offices. Packages may also be emailed to or faxed to (907) 271-5421. 

The BLM manages more than 245 million acres of public land located primarily in 12 western states, including Alaska, on behalf of the American people. The BLM also administers 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. Our mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of America’s public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.