Abundance and Run Timing of Adult Salmon in the Tozitna River, Alaska, 2007


The Tozitna River project is a multi-agency study to determine escapement, run timing, and age-sex-length composition of adult Chinook and summer chum salmon in a middle Yukon River Basin tributary. A resistance board weir was operated from 23 June 2007 to 6 August 2007. For Chinook salmon the escapement was 494 and the age composition was 29.3% age 4, 34.6% age 5, 35.8% age 6, and .4% age 7. The Chinook sex composition from strata-weighted sample data was 25.8% female. For summer chum salmon the escapement was 14,147 and the age composition was 1.6% age 3, 63.7% age 4, 32% age 5, and 2.6% age 6. The summer chum sex composition from strata-weighted sample data was 43.3% female.

Publication Date




Collection: BLM Library
Category: Report

