National BLM > OR/WA > Western Oregon Districts Timber Sales

Western Oregon Districts Timber Sales

Timber sale files for Fiscal Year 2025 are only be available in the new location. You will be redirected to the new Western Oregon Timber Sales webpage in 5 seconds. This web page will expire on 01/01/2025. If you have any questions, please contact State Lead O&C Forester: Christiana Woods at cewoods@blm.gov.

The Oregon/Washington forestry program holds a number of timber sales throughout the year. Below are listings of the yearly sale plans, notices, prospectuses, and sale results for Western Oregon.

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Coos Bay

Annual Forest Product Sale Plans

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Timber Advertisements and Sale Notice In 2024

Posted DateSale DateSale Name
Aug 22 2024Sep 20 2024ORC03-TS-2024.0006 Shady Space CT Advertisement
Jun 13 2024Jun 13 20242024-0004 Ash Valley 60 Day sale Notice Of Bid
May 28 2024May 28 2024ORC03-TS-2024.0004 Ash Valley CT Re-Offer 60-Day Notice
Apr 25 2024May 24 2024ORC03-TS-2024.0004 Ash Valley CT Advertisement
Apr 25 2024May 24 2024ORC04-TS-2023.0031 Jones and Elk CT Reoffer Advertisement
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Timber Prospectuses In 2024

Posted DateSale DateSale Name
Aug 22 2024Sep 20 2024ORC03-TS-2024.0006 Shady Space CT Prospectus
May 28 2024May 28 2024ORC03-TS-2024.0004 Ash Valley CT Re-Offer 60-Day Prospectus
Apr 25 2024May 24 2024ORC04-TS-2023.0031 Jones and Elk CT Reoffer Prospectus
Apr 25 2024May 24 2024ORC03-TS-2024.0004 Ash Valley CT Prospectus
Feb 27 2024Mar 22 2024ORC04-TS-2024.0030 New Yankee Prospectus

Timber Sale Results for 2024

June 21, 2024

FY-No Sale Name Purchaser Contract Term Qualified Bidders MBF Volume Green Ton Volume Appraised Price Bid Price
2024-0004 Ash Valley CT SCOTT TIMBER COMPANY 36 Months 1 2,474.0 400.0 $157,858.20 $157,858.20

April 19, 2024

FY-No Sale Name Purchaser Contract Term Qualified Bidders MBF Volume Green Ton Volume Appraised Price Bid Price
2024-0002 Pickin Sticks CT Scott Timber Co 36 Months 2 6,241.0 720.0 $450,403.80 $453,327.30

March 22, 2024

FY-No Sale Name Purchaser Contract Term Qualified Bidders MBF Volume Green Ton Volume Appraised Price Bid Price
2024-0030 New Yankee 3H Forestry & Land Management 36 Months 1 3,374.0 7.0 $587,686.35 $587,686.35

January 26, 2024

FY-No Sale Name Purchaser Contract Term Qualified Bidders MBF Volume Green Ton Volume Appraised Price Bid Price
2024-0001 Crosstown CT Greenhill Reload, LLC 36 Months 5 3,370.0 100.0 $218,826.40 $977,778.40
2024-0003 Steele Creek Ridge BOISE CASCADE WOOD PRODUCTS, L.L.C. 24 Months 5 5,186.0 100.0 $976,787.30 $2,021,454.30

Lakeview: Klamath Falls Field Office

Annual Forest Product Sale Plans

Timber Advertisements and Sale Notice In 2024

Posted DateSale DateSale Name
Aug 19 2024Sep 18 2024Shady Grail Timber Sale Notice

Timber Prospectuses In 2024

Posted DateSale DateSale Name
Aug 19 2024Sep 18 2024Shady Grail Timber Sale Prospectus

Timber Sale Results for 2024

No timber sale results for Fiscal Year 2024


Annual Forest Product Sale Plans

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Timber Advertisements and Sale Notice In 2024

Posted DateSale DateSale Name
Sep 12 2024Sep 26 2024Paul's Payoff Timber Sale Notice
Sep 06 2024Sep 26 2024Forest Creek Salvage Timber Sale Notice
Sep 05 2024Sep 26 2024Boaz Salvage Timber Sale Notice
Aug 29 2024Sep 26 2024Sugar Hill Timber Sale Notice
Aug 29 2024Sep 26 2024Santiam Select Timber Sale Notice
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Timber Prospectuses In 2024

Posted DateSale DateSale Name
Sep 12 2024Sep 26 2024Paul's Payoff Timber Sale Prospectus
Sep 06 2024Sep 26 2024Forest Creek Salvage Timber Sale Prospectus
Sep 05 2024Sep 26 2024Boaz Salvage Timber Sale Prospectus
Sep 04 2024Sep 26 2024Sugar Hill Timber Sale Prospectus
Aug 29 2024Sep 26 2024Santiam Select Timber Sale Prospectus

Timber Sale Results for 2024

August 29, 2024

FY-No Sale Name Purchaser Contract Term Qualified Bidders MBF Volume Green Ton Volume Appraised Price Bid Price
2024-0008 Dead Ant MURPHY COMPANY 12 Months 2 2,263.0 $147,095.00 $411,866.00

May 23, 2024

FY-No Sale Name Purchaser Contract Term Qualified Bidders MBF Volume Green Ton Volume Appraised Price Bid Price
2024-0003 Penn Butte MURPHY COMPANY 36 Months 1 6,597.0 $839,204.00 $839,204.00
2024-0004 Late Mungers MURPHY COMPANY 36 Months 1 5,016.0 $862,435.70 $862,435.70

Northwest Oregon: Eugene SYU

Annual Forest Product Sale Plans

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Timber Advertisements and Sale Notice In 2024

Posted DateSale DateSale Name
Jul 31 2024Aug 29 2024TSN-EugeneSYU-Aug2024
Jul 31 2024Aug 29 2024Auction-Legal Ad-EugeneSYU-Aug2024
May 29 2024Jun 27 2024TSN-EugeneSYU-Jun2024
May 29 2024Jun 27 2024Auction-Legal Ad-EugeneSYU-Jun2024
Jan 24 2024Feb 22 2024Auction-Legal Ad-EugeneSYU-Feb2024
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Timber Prospectuses In 2024

Posted DateSale DateSale Name
Jul 31 2024Aug 29 2024Prospectus-Spare Change-Aug2024
May 29 2024Jun 27 2024Prospectus-Quest-Jun2024
May 29 2024Jun 27 2024Prospectus-King Congdon-Jun2024
Jan 24 2024Feb 22 2024Prospectus-Hard Yakka-Feb2024
Oct 18 2023Nov 16 2023Prospectus-Tomcat-Divide-Nov2023

Timber Sale Results for 2024

August 29, 2024

FY-No Sale Name Purchaser Contract Term Qualified Bidders MBF Volume Green Ton Volume Appraised Price Bid Price
2024-0558 Spare Change Greenhill Reload, LLC 36 Months 3 2,122.0 $241,860.30 $539,074.40

June 27, 2024

FY-No Sale Name Purchaser Contract Term Qualified Bidders MBF Volume Green Ton Volume Appraised Price Bid Price
2024-0367 King Congdon Sierra Pacific Industries-OR 48 Months 3 16,797.0 1.0 $3,226,642.60 $5,322,880.00
2024-0557 QUEST FRERES LUMBER CO., INC. 48 Months 1 11,215.0 $2,298,608.20 $2,298,608.20

February 22, 2024

FY-No Sale Name Purchaser Contract Term Qualified Bidders MBF Volume Green Ton Volume Appraised Price Bid Price
2024-0556 Hard Yakka Sierra Pacific Industries-OR 48 Months 3 17,689.0 $5,177,330.60 $8,127,181.70

November 16, 2023

FY-No Sale Name Purchaser Contract Term Qualified Bidders MBF Volume Green Ton Volume Appraised Price Bid Price
2024-0366 TOMCAT DIVIDE FRERES LUMBER CO., INC. 36 Months 3 2,969.0 $674,259.90 $1,077,747.00

Northwest Oregon: Salem SYU

Annual Forest Product Sale Plans

Timber Advertisements and Sale Notice In 2024

Posted DateSale DateSale Name
Jul 29 2024Aug 28 2024August 2024 Timber Sale Auction Advertisement/Notice
Apr 18 2024May 22 2024May 2024 Timber Sale Auction Advertisement/Notice
Jan 22 2024Feb 21 2024Timber Sale Advertisement/Notice - Canadian Springer TImber Sale
Oct 16 2023Nov 15 2023November 2023 Timber Sale Auction Advertisement/Notice
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Timber Prospectuses In 2024

Posted DateSale DateSale Name
Jul 30 2024Aug 28 2024Humbard's Prospectus
Jul 29 2024Aug 28 2024Cardinal Direction Timber Sale Prospectus
Apr 18 2024May 22 2024Echo Heights Prospectus
Apr 18 2024May 22 2024RD Priceless Prospecuts
Apr 18 2024May 22 2024Green M&M Prospectus

Timber Sale Results for 2024

August 28, 2024

FY-No Sale Name Purchaser Contract Term Qualified Bidders MBF Volume Green Ton Volume Appraised Price Bid Price
2024-0203 Humbard's Hampton Tree Farms, LLC 36 Months 3 7,415.0 $743,763.90 $1,504,866.00
2024-0403 Cardinal Direction Hampton Tree Farms, LLC 36 Months 2 5,438.0 $1,098,717.00 $1,905,646.20

May 22, 2024

FY-No Sale Name Purchaser Contract Term Qualified Bidders MBF Volume Green Ton Volume Appraised Price Bid Price
2024-0102 Green M&M FRERES LUMBER CO., INC. 36 Months 2 8,029.0 $2,203,653.00 $2,899,029.00
2024-0103 Echo Heights Stella-Jones Corporation 36 Months 6 7,808.0 $2,618,616.60 $4,125,796.20
2024-0104 RD Priceless Thomas Creek Lumber and Log Co 36 Months 4 2,553.0 $174,508.70 $659,110.30

February 21, 2024

FY-No Sale Name Purchaser Contract Term Qualified Bidders MBF Volume Green Ton Volume Appraised Price Bid Price
2024-0402 Canadian Springer BOISE CASCADE WOOD PRODUCTS, L.L.C. 36 Months 2 8,283.0 $1,904,694.00 $3,565,626.00

November 15, 2023

FY-No Sale Name Purchaser Contract Term Qualified Bidders MBF Volume Green Ton Volume Appraised Price Bid Price
2024-0101 Coal Creek DTR Thomas Creek Lumber and Log Co 12 Months 3 2,300.0 $170,315.90 $525,745.10
2024-0201 Kluster BOISE CASCADE WOOD PRODUCTS, L.L.C. 36 Months 5 7,295.0 $1,321,683.20 $2,530,788.00
2024-0401 Timber Town FRERES LUMBER CO., INC. 48 Months 1 9,918.0 $1,949,615.70 $1,949,615.70


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