Recreation Programs

The BLM manages recreation resources and visitor services to offer the greatest benefits possible to individuals and communities and to better enable communities to achieve their own desired social, economic, and environmental outcomes.

BLM public lands are recognized as America’s Great Outdoors, a “Backyard to Backcountry” treasure. They are uniquely accessible. More than 120 urban centers and thousands of rural towns are located within 25 miles of BLM lands. 

Learn more about BLM recreation programs through the links below.

The BLM is committed to ensuring that everyone has an equal opportunity to access the public lands.
A Veteran fly fishing at a lake with arm disability during the Alaska Project healing waters event
BLM Back Country Byways provide “off-the-beaten-path” adventures through diverse landscape settings.
Owyhee Uplands Backcounry Byway
The BLM manages nearly 800 caves, some open to public exploration.
Devils Garden and Derrick Cave Kevin Abel2
The BLM provides opportunities to hunt and engage in shooting sports activities in a safe and environmentally sound manner.
A hunter and his dog cross the fields at Upper Missouri River Breaks in Montana.  Photo by Bob Wick, BLM.
The BLM seeks to provide reasonable and varied transportation routes for access to the public lands.
scenic travel and transportation
The BLM considers the scenic values of public lands when providing for various uses.
The El Malpais National Conservation Area at sunrise.
The BLM is committed to offering outstanding recreation opportunities to the public while ensuring good stewardship of public lands and resources.
a rock feature with swirling red, orange and tan rock layers
The BLM manages interpretive, visitor, and educational centers in 11 states, and is a partner in other centers throughout the country.
Arctic Interagency Visitor Center building
The BLM and other Federal land management agencies participate in the Interagency Pass Program, providing access to Federal lands and waters across the country.
annual public lands access pass with lizard
The BLM's Tourism and Community Services program promotes public lands to our local communities and travelers from across the country.
Four bike riders in the Utah desert facing a sunset