National BLM > OR/WA > Western Oregon Districts Timber Sales

Western Oregon Districts Timber Sales

Notice to All Users: The Western Oregon District's Timber Sales webpage and information provided within are migrating to a new platform. The migration is planned for Sept 30, 2024. There should be little to no disturbance to the general user, although the page may be down intermittently for repairs of unforeseen bugs. During this time, please be patient as we work to adjust. Starting October 1, 2024, if attempting to access the Western Oregon District's Timber Sales webpage, you will automatically be redirected to the new site location. Timber sale files for Fiscal Year 2025 will only be available in the new location. The navigation from the OR/WA BLM website will be the same, and will direct you to the new site. If you have any questions, please contact State Lead O&C Forester Christiana Woods at: cewoods@blm.gov.

The Oregon/Washington forestry program holds a number of timber sales throughout the year. Below are listings of the yearly sale plans, notices, prospectuses, and sale results for Western Oregon.

Browse by Year »

Coos Bay

Annual Forest Product Sale Plans

Timber Advertisements and Sale Notice In 2025

No documents found

Timber Prospectuses In 2025

No documents found

Timber Sale Results for 2025

No timber sale results for Fiscal Year 2025

Lakeview: Klamath Falls Field Office

Annual Forest Product Sale Plans

Timber Advertisements and Sale Notice In 2025

No documents found

Timber Prospectuses In 2025

No documents found

Timber Sale Results for 2025

No timber sale results for Fiscal Year 2025


Annual Forest Product Sale Plans

Timber Advertisements and Sale Notice In 2025

No documents found

Timber Prospectuses In 2025

No documents found

Timber Sale Results for 2025

No timber sale results for Fiscal Year 2025

Northwest Oregon: Eugene SYU

Annual Forest Product Sale Plans

Timber Advertisements and Sale Notice In 2025

No documents found

Timber Prospectuses In 2025

No documents found

Timber Sale Results for 2025

No timber sale results for Fiscal Year 2025

Northwest Oregon: Salem SYU

Annual Forest Product Sale Plans

Timber Advertisements and Sale Notice In 2025

No documents found

Timber Prospectuses In 2025

No documents found

Timber Sale Results for 2025

No timber sale results for Fiscal Year 2025


Commonly Used Timber Sale Forms | OR/WA Completed Timber Harvests Map Viewer