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Field Note Viewer functions and buttons (click to reveal-or-hide text):
general description
This application provides some elementary tools for viewing jpg images within a web browser.
It's intended to provide quick, simple access to the information recorded in Field Note pages (which are stored as jpg files).
The application is coded in standard PHP, HTML, CSS and javascript. It doesn't use any ActiveX, applet or plug-in components.
By necessity, the application relies on internet technolgies that are antagonistic to efficient jpg handling. Therefore: many plat images will display slowly; and you could be subjected to some annoying "browser refresh" behaviors. At times, you might have to "wait for the browser to catch up with you".
Field Note jpg images range in size from 300 kb to 1,500 kb. The average size is 500 kb. All Field Note images are large. It might not be practical to view them if your computer has a slow internet connection or limited memory.
If your research requires more sophisticated (or faster) imaging tools, it is recommended that you save the jpg image to disk and use desk-top software (such as ACDSee, Irfanview, or others). See "How to DOWNLOAD the document" (below) for further details.
Field notes are scanned from 8.5" x 11" (or smaller) originals. The 'print page' button in this application will produce a legible copy of a field note page (without having to save the image). The 'print screen' button will print the panned-and-scaled portion of the image, as it is presented on your terminal screen.
pan mode (bring unseen areas into view)
"Pan mode" is automatically set whenever portions of a document lie outside of the browser's view window (and cannot be seen).
Pan mode allows you to drag (or "pan") the unseen portions into view.
Pan mode activation is indicated by the presence of scroll bars and an "open hand" mouse cursor.
Four different methods can be used to pan a document:
1) Move your mouse onto the document. Depress the left mouse button; drag the mouse to a new location; release the mouse button.
2) Move your mouse onto the document. Use the mouse roller-button to pan the document vertically.
3) Use the vertical and/or horizontal scroll bars (if visible).
4) Use the "blowup" option (described in the "blowup" section of this guide).
Page: ______▼ | ◄ page | page ► |
Use the 'Page: ______▼' drop-down-box to turn to specific pages within a Field Note page-set.
Click the '◄_page' button to page backward through a Field Note page-set.
Click the 'page_►' button to page forward through a Field Note page-set.
fit width
This option scales a document so it will display "width wise" in the Browser's available view frame.
When this option is used, lower portions of the document will lie outside of the view frame (and will not be seen). You can use the mouse wheel-button to "scroll" the unseen portions into view (or use the other panning methods described in the "pan mode" section of this guide).
fit height
This option scales a document so it will display "height wise" in the Browser's available view frame.
When this option is used, the complete horizontal and vertical extents of the document will be displayed -- but the document will be unreadably small.
Use the "blowup" or "enlarge" buttons (described in this guide) to resize the document to a legible scale.
Use the blowup tool to pan-and-zoom to a "blowup area".
To select and display a "blowup area":
1) Click the "blowup" button.
2) Move your mouse onto the document.
3) Depress your left mouse button at NW corner of the blowup area.
4) While keeping the button depressed, drag your mouse to the SE corner of the blowup area. As you drag the mouse, a red rectangle will (gradually) outline the blowup area.
5) Release your left mouse button.
Upon release of the mouse: the "blowup area" will fill the browser frame (and the viewer will be set to "pan mode").
Click the "reduce" button for a one-step decrease in magnification.
Five magnification steps of equal interval (from maximum to minimum) are provided.
Step 5 (max): displays the document at its scanned resolution.
Step 1 (min): fits the complete document into the browser window.
Click the "enlarge" button for a one-step increase in magnification.
Five magnification steps of equal interval (from minimum to maximum) are provided.
Step 1 (min): fits the complete document into the browser window.
Step 5 (max): displays the document at its scanned resolution.
print screen
Click the "print screen" button to print the current view of the document, as displayed in the browser screen.
All document printing is handled through your computer's normal "print dialog" process.
Depending on the size of the screen-image being printed (and the characteristics of your computer/printer): it's possible that browser operation might be suspended (or might be erratic) during printing. In such instances, you will have to wait for the system to "catch up with you" (possibly for up to ten seconds).
print page
Click the "print plat" button to print the full document on an
8.5 x 11 inch sheet of paper.
All document printing is handled through your computer's normal "print dialog" process.
Before the print dialog is initiated, you will be advised about any settings that should be made during the dialog (for instance: set portrait orientation; or set landscape orientation, rotated 90 degrees).
Depending on the size of the document being printed (and the characteristics of your computer/printer): it's possible that browser operation might be suspended (or might be erratic) during printing. In such instances, you will have to wait for the system to "catch up with you" (possibly, you might have to wait for up to ten seconds).
how to download the document
To download the document jpg file:
1) Position your mouse on the document image.
2) Right-click the document image. A drop-down menu appears.
3) Pick 'save picture as' from the drop-down menu.
4) A windows dialog box appears. Fill it in and click "Save".
You can also copy-and-paste the document directly on to the icon of a jpg viewer/editor (such as Irfanview); or into a running Widows application (such as Word, Explorer, Irfanview, etc.)
To copy and paste the jpg file:
1) Position your mouse on the document image.
2) Right-click the document. A drop-down menu appears.
3) Pick 'copy' from the drop-down menu.
4) Move your mouse to the target icon or application.
5) Right-click the targe icon or application and select "paste"