The Organ Mountain Desert-Peaks team posing in front of the monument portal sign for the tenth anniversary celebration.

Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks National Monument

Celebrating 10 Years!

Throughout the month of May, the Bureau of Land Management Las Cruces District Monument staff are proud to announce the upcoming 10th Anniversary month celebration of the declaration of the Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks as a National Monument.  A variety of events have been scheduled throughout the month. Please see the calendar events below for the links to register as many events have limitations on the number of attendees. Come celebrate with us for this 10th Anniversary!

A calendar showing events scheduled this May 2024 for the tenth anniversary of the Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks National Monument.nm-omdp-10th-anniversary-calendar-may-2024

Register and learn more about the Organ Mountain-Desert Peak anniversary events

Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks National Monument 10th Anniversary Events Schedule

Date Time Type Length Program Location Start Sign up Required
5/29 6:30 PM Evening Program 1.5 hours Learn about the Monumental Loop with FOMDP’s educator Sarah Renteria Grounded Coffee Shop No
5/30 5:30 PM Guided Hike 2 hours Join a descendant of Eugen Van Patten for recollections of Van Patten family history at Dripping Springs Dripping Springs TH Yes, click button above to register

The Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks National Monument was established to protect significant prehistoric, historic, geologic, and biologic resources of scientific interest, and includes four areas: the Organ Mountains, Desert Peaks, Potrillo Mountains, and Doña Ana Mountains.

The Organ Mountains are a steep, angular mountain range with rocky spires that jut majestically above the Chihuahuan Desert floor to an elevation of 9,000 feet.  This picturesque area of rocky peaks, narrow canyons, and open woodlands ranges from Chihuahuan Desert habitat to ponderosa pine in the highest elevations.  Located adjacent to and on the east side of Las Cruces, this area provides opportunities for photography, hiking, horseback riding, mountain biking, camping, and wildlife viewing.

The Desert Peaks include the Robledo Mountains, Sierra de las Uvas, and Doña Ana Mountains, characterized by desert mountains rising steeply from flat plains. 

The Potrillo Mountains are the most remote section of the Monument located a distance to the southwest from Las Cruces, and is comprised of a volcanic landscape of cinder cones, lava flows, and craters. 

The Doña Ana Mountains have extensive pedestrian trails, equestrian trails, mountain bike trails, rock climbing routes, and some limited routes available for motorized use.

The Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks National Monument Resource Management Plan/Environmental Impact Statement: The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Las Cruces District Office is preparing the Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks National Monument Resource Management Plan/Environmental Impact Statement (RMP/EIS). Please visit the Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks National Monument RMP ePlanning page for more information.